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A: Test Training

BPS Verified Assistant Test User Course (ATU1)

Acquire the competencies required to qualify at the BPS ATU testing standard!
  • Section 1: Assistant Test User Units
  • Welcome! How to Approach This Course.
  • Introduction to Psychological Testing
  • Maximum Performance Tests
  • Understanding the MOST series of Aptitude Tests
  • Typical Performance Tests
  • Modes of Test Administration
  • ATU Knowledge Assignment (KQ1 - KQ12)
  • How to Administer Tests
  • ATU Test Administration Assignment (P1 part 1)
  • Scoring and Norming Test Results
  • ATU Additional Test Scoring Assignment (P1 part 2)
  • Maintaining the Security and Confidentiality of Test Data
  • ATU Ethical and Legal Issues in Test Administration Assignment (P6 part 1)
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed