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BPS Verified Test User Ability Course (TUA1)

Acquire the competencies required to qualify at the BPS TUA standard!
  • Section 1: ATU Test Administration Units
  • Welcome! How to Approach This Course.
  • Introduction to Psychological Testing
  • Maximum Performance Tests
  • Understanding the MOST series of Aptitude Tests
  • Typical Performance Tests
  • Modes of Test Administration
  • ATU Knowledge Assignment (KQ1 - KQ12)
  • How to Administer Tests
  • ATU Test Administration Assignment (P1 part 1)
  • Scoring and Norming Test Results
  • ATU Additional Test Scoring Assignment (P1 part 2)
  • Maintaining the Security and Confidentiality of Test Data
  • ATU Ethical and Legal Issues in Test Administration Assignment (P6 part 1)
  • Section 2: TUA Basic Descriptions of Scores
  • Describing and Understanding Test Scores
  • Scales of Measurement and the 'Interval Scale' Assumption
  • Counting Scores and Describing them Visually
  • Numerical Descriptions of Scores and What They Tell Us!
  • Statistical Knowledge Assignment (SK1) and Relevant KQs
  • Section 3: TUA Norms, Norming, and the Normal Curve
  • Standard Scores and the Normal Curve
  • Percentiles and Why You Should Not Use Them
  • Nature, Purpose and Limitations of Norming
  • Statistical Knowledge Assignment (SK2) and Relevant KQs
  • Section 4: TUA Giving Feedback on Test Scores
  • Giving Oral Feedback on Test Scores
  • Giving Written Feedback on Test Scores
  • Oral and Written Feedback Assignment (P2) and Relevant KQs
  • Section 5: TUA The Basics of Correlation
  • Understanding Correlation
  • Testing the Significance of a Correlation Coefficient
  • Correlation and Range Restriction
  • Statistical Knowledge Assignment (SK3) and Relevant KQs
  • Section 6: TUA Applying Tests in the Workplace
  • Using Tests and Assessments in the Workplace
  • Review of Selection Methods Assignment (P3)
  • Using The MOST Task Inventory
  • Choosing Appropriate Tests Assignment (P4)
  • Using the MOST Series Assignment (P5) and Relevant KQs
  • Section 7: TUA Intelligence and Ability
  • Early Days in the Study of Intelligence
  • Formal Approaches to Intelligence Theory
  • Intelligence and Ability: Relevant KQs
  • Section 8: TUA Test Reliability
  • Test Reliability 1: Basic Principles and Optional Theory
  • Test Reliability 2: Three Ways to Measure if a Test is Reliable
  • Test Reliability 3: Key Applications of Reliability
  • Statistical Knowledge Assignment (SK4 Q1 - 13) and Relevant KQs
  • Section 9: TUA Test Validity
  • Test Validity 1: Basic Concepts and Link to Reliability
  • Test Validity 2: The Trinitarian Model
  • Test Validity 3: Applications of Validity
  • Final Comment on the Link between Reliability and Validity
  • Statistical Knowledge Assignment (SK4 Q14 - 23)
  • Section 10: TUA Ethical and Legal Issues Revisited
  • Ethical Standards in Testing and Tips on Avoiding Unfairness
  • UK Equality and Data Protection Legislation: Implications for Testers
  • Ethical and Legal Issues for TUA Assignment (P6 parts 2 and 3) and Relevant KQs
  • Section 11: TUA A Modern Approach to Testing
  • Item Response Theory (IRT)
  • Statistical Knowledge Assignment (SK5)
  • Using Test Results Summative Assignment (P8)
  • Test Evaluation Summative Assignment (P7)
  • Section 12: Finishing the Course
  • Post-Course Exercise and Certification at TUA
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed