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BPS Verified Test User Personality Course (TUP1)

Acquire the competencies required to qualify at the BPS TUP standard!
  • Section 1 Theoretical Issues in Personality
  • Welcome to the TUP Course! How to Get Started.
  • Defining Personality
  • Genetics and Personality
  • Other Influences on Personality
  • Psychological Approaches to Personality: Issues and Brief Summary
  • The Psychometric Approach: Traits and Types
  • The Psychoanalytic Approach: Freud and his Co-workers
  • Behaviourist Approaches: Social Learning and Behaviour Analysis
  • The Humanistic Approach: Self Actualisation and Growth
  • Section 2 Issues in Assessing Personality
  • Approaches to Assessing Personality: Methods 1 to 5
  • Approaches to Assessing Personality: Methods 5 to 10
  • Traits, States, and Competencies
  • The 'Big Five' Personality Dimensions
  • Ipsativity
  • Spurious Validity and Pseudo-science
  • Section 3 Additional Quintax Skills
  • Writing Narrative Reports
  • How to Finish the Course
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed